Tuesday 13 November 2007

LT - Why Are Music Channels Commercially Viable?

Although some music channels only appeal to a select niche audience which could be seen as detremental to the business, it is for this very reason that these music channels thrive. Reaching a niche audience ensures that the music videos and advertising on that channel will be broadcasted directly to the target audience, and so their is a much higher chance of the advertising being successful and the music getting through to its specific audience. This will make more money for the channels than if they targeted a general music based audience, and so this makes niche music channels comercially viable.

For example, the Creative Zen advertising Campaign. The Creative Zen was being majorly outsold by its more well-known competitor, the Apple iPod, and so they launched a new advertising campaign in order to make themselves more well known and reach their target audience. Emap produced advertisements for specific music channels such as Kerrang!, Smash Hits and Kiss which would relate to each specific niche audience of music listeners. This enabled Zen to own the majority of the 22 music channels, and they sponsored 272 hours per week. The 6 week sponsorship reached 76% of the core target audience of adults aged 16-34, and they had 46,991 entries into their competition compared to the normal 1,500 entries in a normal competition. Creative Zen Micro had sold out nationwide within weeks.

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