Wednesday 12 March 2008

LT - Final Entry

After the studio shoot we carried out a third and final shoot in which we got a few shots which we were unable to get the last time in the orchard due to a lack of light. It only took about twenty minutes and we got some crucial shots which MADE the video, for example the jump cuts of the girl walking towards the camera.

Then we began editing in Premiere by first capturing the footage into the software and then selecting clips, cutting them up and swapping them around until it looked just right. We also had to use the time stretch feature to speed up some clips and slow others down. We exported the shots of the orchard into Windows Movie Maker in order to add an 'aged' effect, which made them black and white with a slightly grainy quality, as though they had been filmed on an older camera. We imported these back into Premiere to make them a part of our video.

We both enjoyed the process and are very proud of the finished result!